Advancing inclusive peace in Yemen through a bottom-up approach

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28 Jul 2024

Advancing inclusive peace in Yemen through a bottom-up approach

As part of the efforts to foster a sustainable peace process in Yemen, the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen (OSESGY) and UN Women Yemen recently held their fourth consultation meeting in Mukalla with 70 representatives of diverse segments of the Yemeni society.

The meeting in Mukalla is part of a broader effort to develop a “Bottom-Up vision for inclusive peace” in Yemen in a series of consultations co-organized by OSESGY and UN Women to elevate local Yemeni voices and foster trust in the United Nations in preparation for an inclusive peace process.

The fourth consultative meeting brought together participants from, Mukalla, Seiyun, Al-Mahra, and Socotra and included government officials, members of women-led civil society organizations, academics, and representatives of political parties

Participants engaged in in-depth discussions on key priorities, including economic and security measures, humanitarian needs, and de-escalation strategies.

The key highlight was a discussion on women’s role in political and economic dialogues. The participants demonstrated consensus around the importance of women’s full and meaningful participation to ensure the sustainability of peaceful solutions. Participants focused specifically on ways to enhance accountability and transparency in the implementation of agreements, ensuring that the peace process is credible and inclusive.

During their visit to Mukalla, the UN delegation from OSESGY and UN Women also engaged with local stakeholders, including the Governor of Hadramout, local council members, the Minister of Information, Culture, and Tourism, and other key political and economic figures.

OSESGY delegation concluded the mission by visiting Aden and held productive meetings with key figures, including the Minister of Human Rights and Legal Affairs, the Minister of Social Affairs, The National Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights Violations, the Southern Transitional Council, the Women's Union-Aden, and various women's groups including the Mothers of Abductees and victims of the conflict.

These interactive discussions delved into identifying short- and long-term priorities, promoting the involvement of women in decision-making processes, and devising de-escalation strategies to alleviate the suffering of the Yemeni people.