Press releases

  • @UNICEF/Mohammed Mahmoud

    15 May 2018 - The Special Envoy is making good progress towards the production of a framework for negotiations as promised in his briefing to the UN Security Council in April. He plans to put that to the council in the first half of June
  • UN Photo Manuel Elias 

    17 Apr 2018 - Mr. President, I took up my assignment as the Secretary-General's Special Envoy for Yemen. It began on 11 March. I approached this with gratitude to the Secretary-General for his trust, and a sense of privilege that I might get the chance to do something to bring this great tragedy to a belated end. Privilege coupled, I hope, with due humility in the face of the complexity and urgency of the challenge. 
  • 03 Apr 2018 - 3 April 2018 Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Ladies and gentlemen,   Thank you all for being here today to show your solidarity with the women, men, girls and boys of Yemen. And I want to thank my co-chairs, the Governments of Sweden and Switzerland, for hosting this conference for the second year and for their continued humanitarian commitment. Yemen is the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
  • 01 Apr 2018 - Sana’a International Airport, 31 March 2018 -  I just completed my first visit to Sana’a as Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen.  This trip follows a visit to Riyadh where I met with the Government of Yemen. I am very pleased to have received such a warm welcome from so many Yemenis and I am very grateful to have met all of the key political leaders in Sana’a and Riyadh in the last few weeks.
  • 19 Mar 2018 - We are aware of fake Twitter pages pretending to be the official page of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. We confirm that the only official Twitter page for the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen is @OSE_Yemen  and the other pages are spreading inaccurate information. Here are the official pages on digital media for the office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen.
  • OSESGY Photo

    19 Mar 2018 - Today, I have the privilege of assuming the role of Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. It is a position I take very seriously.
  • UNOCHA/Giles Clarke

    16 Mar 2018 - 15 march 2018 - The UN Security council adopted today presidential statement #5 on Yemen, calling on all parties to the conflict to allow and facilitate the safe, rapid and unhindered access for humanitarian supplies and personnel to all affected governorates. It also expressed concern about the challenges facing Yemen’s economy.
  • UNICEF / Mohammed Hamoud 

    27 Feb 2018 - Mr. President, This is my last briefing to this Council before the end of my assignment as Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen. I began my assignment in April 2015, with Yemen already embroiled in a conflict that has gradually destroyed the economy, healthcare services, housing, roads and schools – everything that Yemenis need in order to live and prosper.
  • UN Photo Eskinder Debebe

    17 Feb 2018 - New York - 16 February 2018 - United Nations Secretary‑General António Guterres today announced the appointment of Mar
  • 22 Jan 2018 - Amman 22 January 2018 - The United Envoy Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, has informed the United Nations Secretary General Antonio Gutierrez that he does not intend to continue in his position beyond the end of his current contract ending in February 2018.
