Press releases

  • 27 Mar 2022 - The Secretary-General strongly condemns the recent escalation of the conflict in Yemen including Friday’s aerial attacks on civilian and energy facilities in Saudi Arabia by the Houthis and the subsequent Coalition airstrikes in Sana’a, reportedly killing eight civilians, including five children and two women. These airstrikes also resulted in damage to the UN staff residential compound in Sana’a.
  • 24 March 2022 – The Special Envoy meeting with representatives from the Peaceful Tihama Hirak as part of the Framework consultations in Amman, Jordan. Photo: OSESGY/ Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    24 Mar 2022 - Amman, 24 March, 2022 – The Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded today the third week of bi-lateral consultations with Yemeni stakeholders. He met with representatives of various political groups and parties, including Al-Rashad Union, the Political Bureau of the National Resistance, the Southern National Coalition, the Peaceful Tihami Hirak, and various representatives from the Supreme Council of the Revolutionary Southern Hirak.
  • @OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    18 Mar 2022 - Amman, 18 March, 2022 – The Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded yesterday, 17 March, the second week of bi-lateral consultations with a wide range of Yemeni stakeholders, as part of his efforts to inform his Framework that aims to chart a path towards a sustainable political settlement to the conflict. He met with leaders from the General People’s Congress party and representatives of the Southern Transitional Council and the Inclusive Hadhramout Conference.
  • @OSESGY/Abdel Rahman Alzorgan

    15 Mar 2022 - Thank you Mr. President.

    11 Mar 2022 - Amman, 11 March 2022 – The first week of bilateral consultations with various Yemeni stakeholders concluded yesterday, 10 March.

    07 Mar 2022 - Amman, 7 March 2022 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, started a series of consultations today, Monday, in Amman, Jordan. Bilateral meetings with leaders from the General People’s Congress party and delegations from Islah, the Yemeni Socialist Party and Nasserist Unionist People’s Organization will take place the first week.
  • 02 Mar 2022 - 2 March 2022 - The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, met yesterday with Yemeni President Abd Rabbo Mansour Hadi in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • @US State Department

    19 Feb 2022 - Amman, 19 February 2022 - The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded yesterday a visit to New York and Washington DC. Mr. Grundberg met with members of the UN Security Council and the UN Secretary-General to update them on his efforts for de-escalation and starting a multi-track political process. In Washington DC, Mr.
  • @UN Photo/Evan Schneider

    15 Feb 2022 - Good evening, everyone,
  • @UN Photo/Loey Felipe

    15 Feb 2022 - Thank you Mr. President, Mr. President, the continued military escalation of the conflict in Yemen has escaped no-one. I am here today to discuss these worrying developments and to share with you my efforts and to try and reverse this trajectory and initiate a long-delayed political process. 
