Briefings to the Security Council


The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, briefed the Security Council today about his recent consultations, the developments in Yemen, and his vision for a sustainable solution and an inclusive Yemeni political process.

16 Dec 2021
Nov 2021

Closed session

11 Nov 2021

The Special Envoy briefed the Council on his first visit to Aden and called on all parties to immediately de-escalate hostilities all around the country.

14 Oct 2021

I am honored to have been appointed the Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Yemen, a position I started four days ago. I appreciate the expressions of support from Yemenis and the international community, including Council members.

05 Oct 2021

It is imperative to resume an inclusive, Yemeni-led political process to reach a negotiated solution to the conflict.

05 Oct 2021
July 2021

Closed session

05 Oct 2021

In the Security Council's session on Yemen today, Martin Griffiths briefed the Council for the last time in his capacity as the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen as he prepares to assume his new role as the United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergen

04 Jul 2021

In his briefing to the Security Council, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths stressed that the continued assault on Marib by Ansar Allah continues to disrupt peace efforts and and urged the parties to take the opportunity that is on the table now to conclude negotiations.

12 May 2021

Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy highlights his visits to a number of member states in his efforts to secure agreeemnt on his 4-point plan while stressing the continuous suffering of Yemenis amidst a Covid19 spike

15 Apr 2021

In his briefing to the UN Security Council, the Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths briefed about the detiriorating situation in Yemen due to the latest escalations and the threat of famine.

17 Mar 2021

The Special Envoy condemed escalation in Marib and expressed his concern over the deteriorating situation on the ground and highlighted the renewed international momentum behind finding a peaceful resolution to the conflict in Yemen.

18 Feb 2021

The Special Envoy condemned the attack against the newly formed government in Aden Airport and expressed his concern about the impact of the decision from the US to designate Ansar Allah as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

14 Jan 2021
Dec 2020

Clossed session

22 Dec 2020

In his briefing to the UN Security Council today, the Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths briefed about developments regarding the Joint Declaration and further plans to mediate future prisoners releases.

11 Nov 2020

In his briefing to the UN Security Council today, the Special Envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths described the release of over 1000 detainees as an 'airlift of hope', in what could be the largest such operation of this kind in the history of the conflict in Yemen.

18 Oct 2020

Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, briefed the Security Council about the progress on the joint declaration, military situation, and called for restart the political process while putting the guns aside.

15 Sep 2020
August 2020

Closed session

18 Aug 2020

Martin Griffiths, the UN Special Envoy for Yemen, briefed the Security Council about the situation in the country and the progress of the ongoing negotiations on a Joint Declaration that aims to reach agreements about a nationwide ceasefire, humanitarian and economic measures and the resumption o

29 Jul 2020
June 2020

Closed session

24 Jun 2020

The Special Envoy pointed to the Security Council that the parties engaged constructively and that negotiations benefited from concerted regional and international diplomatic support. “However the people of Yemen are right to be frustrated about the slow pace.

15 May 2020

UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, reported to the Council the progress of the ongoing negotiations with the parties to the conflict around UN proposals

16 Apr 2020

The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Martin Griffiths warned that Yemen is at “critical juncture” and that the parties “will either lead the country toward a de-escalation and resumption of the political process, or toward greater violence and suffering that will make the path to th

12 Apr 2020

The UN envoy for Yemen Martin Griffiths briefed the Security Council on the dire military situation in

18 Feb 2020

I would like to draw the Council’s attention, with your permission, to these efforts: first of all, the de-escalation of military hostilities, and secondly, the implementation of the agreements made in Stockholm and Riyadh.

19 Jan 2020
December 2019

Closed session

22 Dec 2019

The momentum to reach a political settlement in Yemen has been building.The establishment of the CeaseFire Enhancement and De-escalation Mechanism has allowed a reduction of the number of security incidents in the governorate. 

22 Nov 2019

Signs of hope in Yemen: progress in Jeddah talks, reduction of airstrikes, release of detainees, access granted to fuel ships into Hudaydah, & assistance delivered in Durhaimi, while the redeployment of forces in Hudaydah, continues to be a primary focus.



20 Oct 2019

Despite the admittedly very grim picture, we had some limited progress this month. The parties held the 6th joint meeting of the RCC. The tripartite ceasefire and de-escalation mechanism is now live and a joint operations centre has already been set up. 

16 Sep 2019

We have presented a proposal to the parties to make further progress on implementing the first phase of the Hudaydah agreement. I expect a final, official response from both by the 25th of August, and I am confident that will be forthcoming. 

20 Aug 2019

Our way forward is clear and supported by international consensus: implement the Hodeida agreement and engage swiftly the parties on a settlement the outlines of which, are well known to all.

18 Jul 2019
