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@ OSESGY/Ahmed Badawi
Mr. President,
The Special Envoy of the Secretary General for Yemen mentioned that he is working on convening a new round of consultations between the two Yemeni parties towards the end of January.
@ UN OCHA/Giles Clarke
Read the news at UN News
The ceasefire in Hudayda shall enter into force at 00:00 on 18 December 2018, local time.
This is a humanitarian issue and it shall not be subject to any political scores or other matters and the perspective of parties shall be to reunite the bereaved families, as it is endorsed in Islam.
Photo credit: UN photo/Eskinder Debebe
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Members of this Council,
Martin Griffiths to Al Jazeera - UpFront: "The outcome of Sweden is the first big step forward"
The Parties,
Ninni Andersson/Government Offices of Sweden
On the sidelines of the Sweden Consultations, the Yemeni Women’s Technical Advisory Group held meetings with the two parties as well as members of the diplomatic community and the Foreign Minister of Sweden, Ms. Margot Wallström.
Sweden, 11 December 2018 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Martin Griffiths, held a press conference on the fifth day of the political consultations between the Yemeni parties.