Press releases

  • @UN Photo/Evan Schneider

    15 Feb 2022 - Good evening, everyone,
  • @UN Photo/Loey Felipe

    15 Feb 2022 - Thank you Mr. President, Mr. President, the continued military escalation of the conflict in Yemen has escaped no-one. I am here today to discuss these worrying developments and to share with you my efforts and to try and reverse this trajectory and initiate a long-delayed political process. 
  • 25 Jan 2022 - Amman/Sana’a, 25 January 2021– We are alarmed by the escalating spiral of violence in Yemen that continues to harm civilians and is spilling over its borders. January will almost certainly be a record-shattering month for civilian casualties in Yemen.
  • @Michael Brochstein/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

    21 Jan 2022 - The Secretary-General condemns the airstrikes launched earlier today by the Saudi-led Coalition against a detention center in Saada city.  Initial reports indicate at least 60 deaths and over 100 injured among the inmates. Further airstrikes have been reported elsewhere in Yemen, also with reports of deaths and injuries among civilians, including children.
  • 20 Jan 2022 - Amman, 20 January 2022 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded a visit to Riyadh today. He met with the Saudi Vice Minister of Defense Prince Khalid bin Salman, Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Bin Mubarak, the Secretary-General of the Gulf Cooperation Council Nayef Al Hajraf, as well as other Saudi officials and Yemeni interlocutors. Special Envoy Grundberg also had indepth discussions with the P5. 
  • @UN Photo/Mark Garten

    18 Jan 2022 - Dear correspondents,  In response to questions about Yemen, we can say the following: The Secretary-General expresses his concern and deplores the recent Saudi-led Coalition’s airstrikes in Sana’a that resulted in numerous civilian casualties. He reminds all parties of their obligations under international humanitarian law to protect civilians, adhering to the principles of proportionality, distinction and precaution.
  • @UN Photo/Mark Garten

    18 Jan 2022 - The Secretary-General condemns today’s attacks on Abu Dhabi’s International Airport and the nearby industrial Musaffah area, which reportedly caused several civilian casualties and have been claimed by the Houthis. Attacks on civilians and civilian infrastructure are prohibited by international humanitarian law.  
  • @UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

    12 Jan 2022 - Thank you, Madame President. Let me first welcome the newly elected members to this Council and I will look forward to close cooperation with them as with all Members of the Council.
  • @OSESGY/Sara Sadik

    11 Jan 2022 - The Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, concluded a visit to the United Kingdom today, Tuesday. Mr. Grundberg met with James Cleverly, the Minister for Middle East and North Africa at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, and a number of senior British officials.
  • @UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe

    02 Jan 2022 - The world welcomes 2022 with our hopes for the future being tested. By deepening poverty and worsening inequality. By an unequal distribution of COVID vaccines.
