Press release on negotiations on opening roads in Taiz and other governorates
Amman, 6 June 2022 – Discussions resumed yesterday 5 June in Amman, Jordan with the delegations of both parties to reach an agreement to open roads in Taiz and other governorates as per the terms of the truce agreement. The Special Envoy Hans Grundberg shared today with the Government of Yemen and Ansar Allah a revised proposal on the phased re-opening of roads, including an implementation mechanism and guarantees for the safety of civilian travelers, based on the discussions with both sides.
The updated proposal calls for the re-opening of roads, including a main route, leading into and out of Taiz city, as well as roads in other governorates that aims to alleviate civilian suffering and enhance the delivery of goods. The proposal takes into consideration suggestions from both parties, as well as feedback from Yemeni civil society. It also takes into account concerns expressed by the parties.
“This is a first step in our collective efforts to lift restrictions on the freedom of movement of Yemeni women, men and children within the country. The parties have a moral and political responsibility to engage seriously and urgently with the UN proposal, prioritizing the interests of civilians and delivering immediate and tangible results to the people of Taiz and Yemen at large,” Mr. Grundberg said. “While I continue my efforts and engagement with the parties on this file, I hope the proposed initiative will sustain the momentum needed to move towards discussions on more durable arrangements within the multitrack process.”