The Secretary General Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed arrived to Sana'a yesterday to meet with...
25 Oct 2016 -
Yemen-The United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed concluded today a three day visit to Sana'a where he held meetings with several representatives of the General People’s Congress, Ansarallah, Yemeni activists and foreign diplomats.
22 Oct 2016 -
With the 72 hour Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen coming to an end, the United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Ismail OuldCheikh Ahmed urges all parties to agree to its extension for at least another renewable 72 hours.
"The ceasefire was largely holding despite reported...
18 Oct 2016 -
New York - The United Nations Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, announced a plan for the resumption of a comprehensive Cessation of Hostilities in Yemen. The Special Envoy has received assurances from all Yemeni parties of their...
09 Oct 2016 -
The Secretary-General condemns the attack on an event hall in Sana’a where hundreds of people were gathered for a funeral ceremony. Initial reports indicate that the attack, said to have been airstrikes by the Coalition, killed over 140 people and injured hundreds of...
23 Sep 2016 -
The Secretary-General condemns the multiple airstrikes by the Saudi Arabia-led coalition on 21 September in the Red Sea port city of Hudaydah, Yemen, which killed and injured dozens of people, including children and women. The Secretary-General expresses his sincere...
31 Aug 2016 -
Mr. President,
I am grateful for this opportunity to brief the Security Council on the latest developments in the pursuit for peace in Yemen.
The last month has been tragic for Yemen. The departure from Kuwait without an agreement has betrayed the expectations of millions of...